Giving at Emmanuel
At Emmanuel, there are many simple and convenient ways for individuals to contribute their resources to support our ministry. Take a look at the options below to see what works best for you.
Types of Giving
Regular Giving
Unless otherwise designated, contributions made to Emmanuel are applied to the General Fund. This supports our staff and funds the many programs and ministries available at Emmanuel.
Memorials, Bequests, Gifts
Memorial contributions can provide a lasting memorial for a friend, relative or loved one. Your will or trust can designate that a specific amount be transferred as a gift to Emmanuel. Donations can be in support of overall ministry or designated for a specific use. Please check with your financial adviser regarding the tax benefits of such gifts.
Designated Offering
If you wish to support a particular ministry, small group, Emphasis of the Month, etc., designate that gift accordingly. Ask a member of staff if you are unsure how to designate your contribution.
Ways to Give
Leave your offering in the collection plate during worship or come by the church during office hours to drop it off.
Giving online has never been easier! Click the button below to sign in or give as a guest. You can contribute once or set up a recurring donation.
Send your offering to Emmanuel directly by mailing it to:
34567 W. Seven Mile Road
Livonia, MI 48152.